Make a payment for a existing members of Happy As Is
Pay for a subscription balance. (Make it current if there was a
problem with your credit card, bank info a general paypal problem)
Pay for parts or services. (You ordered more parts after the bill
was paid, your system needed another part, you added additional work
to your job)
Pay for computer or software training, help beyond your VIP
membership or if you have no VIP membership and you just need help.
With websites, how to use software, install software, install
Help with learning how to use a new operating system, Linux or
Windows NO MAC.
Fill out the box ""
Type in the amount you are paying $20.00 would be just 20. Or use
the arrow keys to scroll up or down until you see the amount.
(Arrow keys show up when you move your mouse into the "Please enter
the amount you are paying" box)
It only chances in $1.00 increments 1, 2, 3, 4...
Please choose your payment option below.
"The payment will show up in your paypal or on your credit card as a payment to "No Fear Computers"
Thank You!